image is a new and free website that allows
participating members to safely and anonymously message each other with 'prescripted' alerts concerning their car.
Best of all, it is totally FREE!

How is helpful? helps avoid unnecessary tickets.

You can send or be messaged about-

    - Window or sunroof left open.
    - A flat tire.
    - Headlights left on.
    - Metermaid is on the block.
    - Brakes lights that are not working… and there are more

Did you know that in many cities, the police are allowed to stop you for just one nonfunctioning tail light! Can you see your own tail lights?  Receiving early notice about a problem from a member would be a tremendous benefit.

How does it work? How is it safe?

  • Another member sees something wrong with a car and sends one of the prescripted messages to you through
  • then sends the text message to the member with that license plate.
  • It is safe since everyone who joins is sent a verification code that must be validated to complete the membership process.
  • Your cell number is never revealed or shared.
  • We NEVER ask you for any personal information.

What do I need to join?
  • A cell phone that receives text messages.
  • Email address.

Why should I join

    • You are at the mall, driving your child to school, or just out for a family trip. You notice a problem and wish you could help....or
    • you went shopping and come back to your car to find that you left your lights on or window open. You wish someone would have notified you.
    • Now your wishes can come true with - your message is on the way!
    • It is totally free!

How will other YourCARis members know that my vehicle is a YourCARis car?

By placing a one inch square red reflective tape ‘identifying badge’ on both bumpers, you can let others know that you are in the YourCARis database and can be notified.
See the Contact page for more information.

Join now!